
Parking in Exmouth

Parking in Exmouth: parking options in Exmouth

Free parking in Exmouth
This web site will tell you all you need to know about every car park in Exmouth. Not only the EDDC ones but also the private ones in the town.

This is the only web site will details of every town car park.

Exmouth can be a remarkably busy place especially in the summer period but also off season in the depth of winter you will find some of the car parks, especially those on the sea front, with no spaces.

This web site will make suggestions for each car park telling if a space might or might not be available, and where to try should you find it full.

This web site will also let you know how far it is to the nearest public toilets.

This web site will also suggest which car parks are best for visiting the town centre itself and which are better for the seafront.

Free parking is possible in the town centre for just 30 minutes if you can find a space!